Triangle Adventure Playground


Established in 1957,  Triangle has a good claim to be the oldest adventure playground in London that is still operating on its original site.  This team knows how to do adventure play – they jointly won London Adventure Playground of the Year 2020, for some seriously innovative and creative playwork even in the midst of a pandemic. And they won in 2018 too! Scroll down the page for all the details.

London play news
Three London adventure playgrounds that went to extraordinary lengths to keep children playing – and in some cases, fed too – during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic were yesterday announced as joint winners of the coveted London Adventure Playground of the Year Award.
Two thirds of London's adventure playground organisations report that they are now delivering new services, with many becoming vital hubs for food distribution.


Ashmole Street (off Claylands Road) London SW8 1NE
Phone Number
07900 475 143
Run by
Opening Hours
Term Time: 3.30-6 Holidays: 12-6
Facilities include swings, structures, toilet, WC accessible, indoor space, kitchen, fire pit, bikes, trampoline.
Age Range
6-17 years