
City Bridge Trust

Play Works and the development of this site were funded by City Bridge Trust, a charity whose mission is to reduce inequality and grow stronger, more resilient and thriving communities for a London that serves everyone.

City Bridge Trust

City Bridge Trust is the funding arm of Bridge House Estates. It was established to make use of funds surplus to bridge requirements and provides grants totaling around £25m per year towards charitable activity benefiting Greater London.

Their vision is for London to be a city where all individuals and communities can thrive, especially those experiencing disadvantage and marginalisation and their mission is reduce inequality and grow stronger, more resilient and thriving communities for a London that serves everyone.

Between 2015-2020, City Bridge Trust  funded London Play’s Play Works project, an exciting joint project between London Play and London-based adventure playgrounds, which saw Adventure Play staff across 10 London boroughs develop their own systems of monitoring and evaluation and from this came the Play Works Toolkit designed to guide adventure playgrounds everywhere through the process of monitoring, measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of what they do.

The final phase of the Play Works project saw the development of this site, as a dedicated home for the Toolkit and all things Adventure Play in London. We hope it will result in greater recognition and celebration of the huge benefits Adventure Playgrounds bring to the communities they are located in.

City Bridge Trust’s vision is for London to be a city where all individuals and communities can thrive, especially those experiencing disadvantage and marginalisation. By funding London Play and projects like Play Works, City Bridge Trust are directly supporting the front line workers and grass roots organisations delivering adventure play to make the case for their continued survival.

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